Opening Poem for the RWA 10th Anniversary

The Rural Women’s Assembly opened the 10th anniversary conference on 26 November 2019 with a beautiful poem by an 11 year old, Sengetiwe Simelane from Swaziland.

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Opening poem by Sengetiwe Simelane

My name is Sengetiwe Simelane from the Kingdom of Eswatini

Happy 10th anniversary RWA

A mother figure to the motherless

A voice of the voiceless

In your wings we find comfort

Through your efforts we strive

In 9 countries in the SADC region you are the mouthpiece of our women

Not only did you sensitize them about their rights,

You advocated for equal rights for the feminine gender

From gender based violence, freedom of expressing their woes, to land disputes

Oh! The list is endless

Women were made to believe in society they were not entitled to land ownership

You awakened them about their rights to own land as fellow beings

You then equipped our women, young and old, with skills of surviving the predicament of climate change through agroecology, use of land sparingly, to indigenous seeds for food security.

We are women with confidence

We are women with dignity

We are women in unity


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